Good Sheet

A user-friendly app designed to simplify finance management for entrepreneurs

Portfolio cover – application screen and illustration with a character discovering a solution to overwhelming documents
  • Project scope – logo, website, color scheme, typography, and illustrations


A logo that smiles back

Our Good Sheet logo artfully illustrates a curled-up sheet, cleverly morphing into a cheerful face. But there's more — subtly woven into the design- symbols of upward-trending financial bars, all to make financial management feel more approachable. The visual narrative resonates with our brand's refreshing departure from conventional, stiff financial table imagery.

  • Good Sheet logo
  • Logo in the application menu
  • Good Sheet logo on a green tote bag

About the brand

Easing financial strains

For many up-and-coming entrepreneurs, handling company finances sometimes feels like being caught in a whirlwind, often affecting liquidity, slowing progress, and making business targets hard to reach. That's where the Good Sheet app comes in. Designed to streamline the collection of essential financial data, it aims to make resource management intuitive and stress-free, all within just a few minutes each week.

  • Application screen with a financial summary

Doing business can be stressful. But, I believe that knowing where you are moneywise changes the rules of the game. I wanted to share my knowledge with more people who want to work independently but struggle with managing finances.

Piotr Synowiec

Piotr Synowiec

creator of Good Sheet, co-owner of Holy Studio
  • Grid of application views
  • Application screen depicting budget, earnings, and account balance

Key features

The Good Sheet application emphasises intuitive financial management. Tailored to entrepreneurs at any stage, it meets the requirements of both novices and seasoned users.

Application elements with company name and financial account

Seamless start

An efficient onboarding setup enables users to input critical data and swiftly get an immediate financial overview.

Clear financial history

Automatic end-of-week saves provide users with a concise record of financial changes, making trend analysis straightforward.

Custom task lists and notes

Users can enhance their financial segments by adding notes and tasks optimising project management from a financial perspective.

Handy tips and walkthroughs

With visually detailed advice and actionable tutorials, users gain a quick and comprehensive understanding of the app's capabilities.

  • Sidebar menu for editing budget details
  • Dropdown for adding an earning to the account
  • Two columns with budget and earnings

Intuitive management

The app offers drag-and-drop in its Kanban interface for user-friendly budget management.

Financial overview

The dashboard consolidates all financial details, clearly showing one's fiscal situation.

Playful motivation

The consistency of a weekly streak promotes regular data updating and habit-building.

  • Table with financial history
  • Application elements encouraging completion of onboarding and working on a streak

Go-to guide

For seamless user onboarding, we crafted an illustrative guide. This intuitive cheat sheet dives into all core concepts and deciphers functions. With a design inspired by chalkboards, our guide embodies easy-to-grasp explanations with a learning twist.

  • Hero section from the cheatsheet with an illustrative character
  • Page with cheatsheet
  • Infographic explaining how the account balance is calculated using illustrative icons
  • Black and white illustration of a hand holding a coin
  • Application screen as an illustration stylized as chalk drawing on a blackboard

Website & illustrations

Engaging landing experience

Our landing page is designed for peak conversion. Targeting document-overwhelmed entrepreneurs, we showcase the unique solutions our app offers. With illustrations inspired by pop culture, notably memes, we highlight personas ranging from developers to artists. The prominent green not only aligns with the fiscal theme but also exudes tranquillity.

  • Hero section from the Good Sheet website
  • Subscription pricing
  • Illustration depicting a chat screen with three conversing characters
  • Fragments of the website
  • Application features presented with illustrative icons
  • Phone screen with the mobile version of the website
  • Login screen with an illustration
  • Illustrations depicting application features


From spark to deployment

The journey from a mere idea through brainstorming, tests, and iterations to a ready product is a blend of surprises and hurdles. Yet when these hurdles become catalysts for learning and innovation, we don't craft just an app – we chart a new course for the industry.


Reimagining the commonplace

Good Sheet is redefining the approach to traditional, daunting financial tables. Veering away from mundane business tool designs, it encapsulates a balance of intuition and the joy of daily tool use, presenting a modern twist to managing business finances.


Adaptable strategies

Working within a cohesive team, we've customised our approach to meet the project's demands. Seamless goal communication fostered continuous refinement. Feedback-driven adjustments have honed our skills in user-centric design and iterative strategies.


Listening to the end-user

A cornerstone of our success? Immersive user testing sessions. They gave us the reality checks we needed, ensuring our innovations hit the right chord with the audience.


Crafting a visual voice

In today's startup hustle, having a signature look is non-negotiable. Good Sheet stands as a testament to our knack for creating brands that don't just blend in but stand out, offering users a seamless and compelling journey.


Inside-out insight

Engaging as both developers and owners has provided a rare insight. This unique stance has equipped us to balance creativity against startup constraints, navigating budgetary challenges and market dynamics.

Looking for a partner who can meet your challenges?


Let's talk about working together

Get in touch within one day

You don't need to have all the answers.
We'll respond to your message within 24 hours (one business day).

Use our brief template

You'll receive it right after sending your inquiry. It will help streamline discussions, allowing you to express your expectations more effectively.

Schedule a free consultation

No strings attached.
The initial conversation or video meeting
will take around 30 minutes.