Case Study

Crafting Premium Packaging on a Budget: The Moonholi Essential Oils Case Study

  • Icon Holy Studio
    Holy Studio
  • 9 November 2023
  • 9 min reading
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Moonholi is a brand we have successfully partnered with before, crafting yoga mat illustrations and designing packaging for accessory sets. Our previous efforts were greatly approved, leading to this latest project. Our latest task involved designing packaging for essential oils that would resonate with both fans of Moonholi's mystical aesthetic and minimalists who appreciate elegance and practicality. In this case study, we outline our design process, strategic decisions, and derived benefits, all supported by comprehensive market research and psychological principles.

Aromatherapy Trend and Moonholi's Market Strategy

Aromatherapy, the practice of using natural essential oils to improve health and well-being, is on the rise. Modern lifestyle trends emphasize a holistic health approach encompassing both body and mind. Essential oils are integral to products such as cosmetics and candles and key components of home wellness rituals, aiding relaxation, stress relief, and better sleep. Are you thinking about launching your line of essential oils? Here are some research insights that might interest you.

Rising Popularity of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Research forecasts that the global essential oils market will reach $17.57 billion in 2024 and rise to $31.25 billion by 2028, with an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5%. This growth is fueled by the rising interest in natural and organic products and the health benefits that essential oils bring.

Market of essential oils – market growth forecast with a CAGR of 9.0%. Source:
Essential oils market size in Europe, 2019-2032 (in billion USD). Source:
Essential oils market in the USA – size by application, 2020-2030 (in billion USD). Source:

Wellness at Home

Lifestyle changes brought about by the pandemic have led consumers to take greater care of their health and well-being within the comfort of their own homes. Research from 2021 published by Grand View Research reveals that 74% of consumers consider wellness an important aspect of their lives, and 42% plan to increase their spending on wellness-related products. Essential oils have become a staple of home spas because they are easy to use and offer noticeable benefits.

Essential oils market – trends by region for 2024-2030. Source:
Global essential oils market – share by sales channel, 2023 (%). Source:

Health and Well-being Care

Essential oils are valued for their health benefits, such as pain relief, mood enhancement, and immune support. According to research by the Global Wellness Institute, 82% of respondents reported that using essential oils had a positive impact on their well-being.

Essential oils market share in Germany by application, 2023. Source:
Global essential oils market share by type, 2023. Source:

Moonholi has seamlessly integrated essential oils into its product lineup to align with this wellness trend. The brand has leveraged the growing popularity of aromatherapy in its business, product, and marketing strategies by:

  1. Product synergy – essential oils complement Moonholi's other products, such as yoga mats and accessory sets, forming a cohesive health-focused range.
  2. Marketing narrative – Moonholi's communication emphasizes the benefits of essential oils, aligning with the growing consumer awareness of health and wellness.
  3. Aesthetic and functionality – Moonholi's products, including essential oils, are designed to be both functional and stylish, serving as decorative elements in the home.

Main Project Challenges

Achieving a Premium Look with a Limited Budget

The biggest challenge was creating packaging that looked exclusive despite a limited budget for printing enhancements. The client didn't want to invest heavily in packaging because the oils were supplementary to their main product range. Despite this, Moonholi expected the packaging design to convey a sense of luxury and high quality.

Designing for Diverse Preferences

The design had to attract both customers who favor mystical motifs and those who prefer minimalism. This necessitated a careful balance between simplicity and the magical, ritualistic storytelling that Moonholi's loyal customers appreciate.

Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality

Since essential oils are typically visible in homes, the packaging had to be both visually appealing and a stylish decorative piece in home decor. Equally important was selecting printing methods that could protect the label from potential damage caused by contact with the oil.

Optimizing Small Labels for Sustainability

Another challenge was the small label size, which had to include all essential information, including a barcode of the required size. Given Moonholi's commitment to sustainability, the oils did not have extra outer packaging, necessitating optimal use of label space to include all essential information while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing design.

Essential Oils Market Analysis and Consumer Needs Assessment

During our competitive analysis, we found that essential oil packaging often features vibrant, detailed graphics and depictions of ingredients. Many brands leverage bright, vibrant colors and natural motifs to highlight the origins of the oils' ingredients.

The most common design trends in the industry include:

  • Detailed illustrations and ingredient photos – utilized to convey the natural source of the product instantly.
  • Bright, eye-catching colors – frequently employed to grab attention and stand out on the shelf.
  • Text-heavy labels – designed to highlight health benefits and product ingredients.

While this design strategy is widespread, it has certain limitations. The overabundance of similar designs in the market results in a lack of distinction on store shelves. Intricate illustrations can overshadow crucial product information, potentially confusing customers, and the labels often miss the mark in terms of elegance and sophistication needed for premium products.

Examples of packaging for competitive brands' essential oils.

Design Strategy and Execution

Storytelling Approach

We centered our visual strategy around straightforward storytelling, emphasizing the function and use of the oils instead of their ingredients. According to research in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, functional storytelling can increase consumer engagement and the product's perceived value. This strategy enabled us to craft a unified and persuasive narrative that attracts various consumer groups.

Minimalist Dark Label Design

We chose a minimalist design with dark labels and geometric icons to stand out in the market. Research by Paul A. Bottomley and John R. Doyle, presented in Marketing Theory, suggests that dark colors convey sophistication and luxury. Using dark, consistent colors and geometric icons imparts an elegant character to the packaging. The geometric icons, reflecting the names and purposes of the oils, create a modern and magical aesthetic consistent with the brand identity.

Positioning the Product as Premium

Minimalist design is commonly associated with luxury and refinement. Research in the Journal of Marketing indicates that simple and elegant designs can raise a product's perceived value. Consumers favor simplicity and clarity, often leading to a higher willingness to pay for such products. Additionally, simplicity enhances brand and product recognition on store shelves, a key factor in developing a solid brand identity.

The trust we had built from previous projects with Moonholi facilitated a remarkably smooth design process. We could quickly make changes, like renaming the oil from “Chill” to “Harmony” to better complement the product line. This collaboration confirms that giving decision-making authority to the project leader ensures more efficient and faster goal achievement.

Gabriela Kanik, Holy Studio co-owner & creative director

Material Selection and Printing Methods

Choosing the Right Materials

Given the limited budget for unique papers or printing techniques, we made strategic decisions to maintain a premium appearance:

  • Durable Paper – We selected paper resistant to oil spills and moisture, ensuring the labels remain durable and functional.
  • Metallic Details  – Subtle gold accents on the names of the oils add elegance without overpowering the minimalist design.
  • Natural Cardboard for the Set – The Cosmic Set packaging is crafted from natural, uncolored cardboard, highlighting the brand's commitment to ecological and minimalist values.

How Printing Details Influence Luxury Branding

Even the most standard printing enhancements, such as metallic foiling, varnishing, or embossing, can significantly influence the perception of a product as luxurious. Studies show that such visual elements can increase a product's perceived value and attractiveness. For Moonholi oils, using subtle gold accents on product names adds elegance and underscores their luxurious nature despite a limited budget.

Final Design and Product Showcase

Icons and Label Layout

Each oil label includes a distinctive geometric icon that symbolizes the product's name and benefits visually. Although the designs are unique, all icons follow the same circular pattern, providing visual uniformity throughout the collection. The vertical text alignment and strategic icon placement make the labels easily recognizable and aesthetically pleasing.

Label design for Moonholi essential oil.

Aesthetic Harmony of the Collection

The packaging for the "Cosmic Set," as the client named it, follows the same design principles as the individual oil bottles. It is distinguished by a large icon combining a moon and drop motif, symbolizing the brand and the essence of the product. This unified design solidifies brand identity and elevates the perceived value of the entire set.

How to Design Premium Packaging on a Budget?

Positioning your packaging as premium can be challenging if your budget is limited for various reasons. However, you can achieve the desired effect without spending a fortune with the right strategy and creative approach. Here are some key steps to help you achieve this.

1. Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the first step in effectively positioning your packaging. Market research can be expensive, requiring experience and knowledge, but there are easy ways to conduct your research:

  • Social Media – Monitor comments, reviews, and posts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to understand what customers say about similar products.
  • Competitor Analysis – Study the packaging of competing products. Pay attention to what works well and what could be improved.
  • A/B Testing – Create different versions of your packaging and see which one sells better or attracts more attention.

These methods will provide valuable insights, allowing you to refine your packaging strategy to meet customer preferences and stay within budget.

2. Choose Higher Quality Materials

Although the budget is limited, strategic material selection is key. Elegant paper, textured finishes, and refined materials can greatly improve the perceived value of your product. Quality materials naturally attract attention and imply a higher-quality product.

3. Go for a Minimalist Design

Minimalism is associated with luxury. A clean, simple design, elegant typography, and appropriate color schemes can help you create a sophisticated package. By avoiding over-the-top graphics and emphasizing aesthetics, your product can appear more premium.

4. Tell a Story

People love stories because they build an emotional connection with the product. Psychological studies show that storytelling can increase customer engagement and loyalty. Narrating the brand's journey, the creation process or the product's origin can appeal to premium customers. Incorporating this story through text, images, or illustrations on the packaging adds dimension and makes the product stand out.

5. Focus on Details

Details make all the difference. Small touches like sophisticated closures, special ribbons, or innovative packaging methods can enhance the product's appeal. Such attention to detail reflects the brand's commitment to quality and product value.

Key Findings

The packaging design for Moonholi essential oils demonstrates how thoughtful design decisions and strategic choices can create a product that is appealing to various customer groups while maintaining brand integrity. By employing minimalist design and strategic storytelling, we developed packaging that fulfilled aesthetic and practical functions and effectively conveyed Moonholi's brand philosophy. Our approach underscores the importance of understanding customer expectations and creatively leveraging available resources to achieve the desired outcome.

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